In order to assist with the creation of account code lists PetroSight supports importing of cost codes into the system en masse. Lists of codes can be copied from Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet programs directly into PetroSight and added to existing groups.

This guide assumes you've followed the Creating Company Cost Code Groups guide and are ready to add codes.

Start The Import

Click the Import Cost Codes link at the bottom of the expanded cost code group box.

Copy & Paste Codes

From an Microsoft Excel or similar spreadsheet copy the relevant data and paste into the input box provided. 

This example shows only 3 columns worth of data, you can copy more columns without issue. Additional lines containing non-code information should be avoided but will not break the process. Once the content has been pasted click the Import button.

Assign & Confirm Data

You now have the opportunity to assign which columns in your data match to the data points PetroSight requires to make cost codes. You can assign which data column is Major, which is Description, and optionally which is the Minor part of the code. Columns with no assignment will be ignored and the data dropped. 

Use the check boxes beside each line in the table to indicate if it should be imported. The example shows excluding a header line that came from the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Once you've completed the assignment and chosen which lines are to be imported, click the Process button. You'll be prompted to confirm your choice, check over your data and confirm.


Once the processing has completed you'll be prompted to click OK to return to the cost codes group page.

Please confirm the cost codes that were just added, you can deactivate any incorrectly imported codes.