Pre-requisite: Google Chrome

If you do not have Google's Chrome Web Browser installed please visit and complete the steps there. Once this install is complete continue to the next section to install the PetroSight Remote application.

Install Petrosight Remote Client

  1. Launch Google Chrome

    Launch Google Chrome either from the icons on your desktop, start menu, or start bar. If you do not have Google Chrome please check the pre-requisite section above for information on how to install it before continuing.

    Note: Upon launch Google might ask you to sign in or create an account. This step is entirely optional and not necessary, Petrosight does not require you to have a Google account in order to use our services. Clicking the "Skip for now" link is an excellent way to continue should you not have an account or not want to sign up. More information on Google accounts can be found and

  2. Login to Petrosight

    In Chrome's address bar enter and proceed to sign in to your Petrosight account as normal. 

  3. Goto PetroSight Help Page

    Once logged in, from the footer menu or from your profile menu click the Help link. 

  4. Install PetroSight Remote Client

    Click "Install Client" from the Petrosight Remote Client section. 

  5. Client is Installed!

    Proceed to the next section for information on how to run the client.

Using Petrosight Remote

The Petrosight Remote Client works by editing data files downloaded directly from the reports in the web application. In order to use the client you first have to retrieve the report you wish to work on and then open it in client. Once you're done with your changes and are ready to commit the changes back to Petrosight you'll upload this data file back to the report in question.

  1. Launch Client

    Once installed there are several ways to launch the Petrosight Remote Client.

    1. From within Google Chrome
      On a new tab select "Apps" in the top left hand corner and then click the "Petrosight" icon. Once launched PetroSight Remote can be attached to your task bar or start menu easily. 
    2. From Google App Launcher
      If you have the launcher installed it will show up on your task bar or start menu. Petrosight can be launched from here directly without ever having to start Google Chrome. Once launched PetroSight Remote can be attached to your task bar or start menu easily. See the appendix on how to accomplish this. 
    3. From Windows Start Menu
      Google Chrome will automatically make a Petrosight entry in your Windows Start Menu for you. The Petrosight Remote Client can always be found here. 
    4. From Windows Start Bar / Start Drawer
      If you've read the appendix and attached Petrosight Remote to your start bar or start drawer they should always be available there for you to use. 
  2. Open & Edit Report

    To use the client to work on your reports is a straight forward process but has several steps. The process is laid out to reduce the number of potential issues and keep the overall complexity low.

    1. Login to Petrosight
    2. Goto the report you wish to work on, here we'll demonstrate using a Completions Daily Report.
    3. If you want to work on a report that isn't available yet create it first and then continue with the next steps
    4. From the menu in the top right select "Export Offline File" and save this file to a place on your hard drive, remember it's location as it will be important in a moment.
    5. Launch the client as described in the section above or if already running switch to it.
    6. Click "Open Report" and select the file you just download in the previous step.
    7. You're now ready to make changes!

    Warning: The file does not automatically save your changes, you MUST push the "Save" button in the top right in order for your changes to be saved. Closing the window without clicking save will cause all of your changes to be lost.

  3. Commit report back to Petrosight

    Once you've completed editing the report and saved it back to the data file it is now ready to be uploaded to Petrosight. Once your internet service is available and you're ready to upload the report follow these steps:

    1. Login to Petrosight if you're not already
    2. Goto the same report you used to download the data file, again we'll use a Completions Daily Report as an example.
      • The report must be the same as the one the report file was originally downloaded from.
    3. From the menu in the top right select "Import Offline File"
    4. Click "Open File" and select the report file you've been working with.
    5. Click "Upload"
    6. Review the proposed changes.
    7. If the changes look accurate, click "Import >"

    At the time of import the system analyses the changes coming in from your report file as compared to the data already in the online report. Changes, additions, and deletions are calculated in real time in order to maintain data accuracy and consistency. Data is merged not replaced by what is in your file. Though a report file can be edited and uploaded several times it is Petrosight's recommendation to only utilize the Remote Client when reliable internet service is not available. Further, always check your data after the import to ensure it is correct. Review the report to ensure data is correct and preform any final tasks.